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Product availablity, pricing and terms vary by country or region. We're expanding Xtreme into the UK and EU. To apply for a new account, click the country or region and then click on New Customer Signup. We only sell to fish and pet stores with commercial store fronts and regular business hours.

United States

Select this link to access your secure order USA login page. If you're not a customer of Xtreme, select the link at the bottom of the USA login page and fill out the application and we'll get back to you shortly.


We have two terrific distributors in Canada. Kane Veterinary Supplies, one of our oldest and dearest customers, and Bobby G's Pro Aquatics, the new kid on the block who carries the entire line. Either one or both would be happy to have your business and we support them both.


Ashley and Nigel are ready to take and deliver your orders. Xtreme is back and we can't wait to stock your shelves. Over the coming months we'll be helping WSE Trading build a strong following and push new customers into your store. View their informational website at WSE Wholesale.

New Zealand

Fish and pet stores can order Xtreme Aquatic Foods directly from Brooklands Pet Products located at 21 McGiven Drive, New Plymouth 4371. Visit their website at: Brooklands. Send an email to or phone them at + 64 6 753 5346.
